When requesting a birth certificate, include your birth name, date and place, mother’s maiden name and father’s name. Mention that you need it for research (if you don’t need the legal copy) and make sure to say that you need the birth time on the document. If they can’t find it, the fee is usually not refundable.

PLEASE NOTE: In some cases, the addresses, fees and phone numbers below are a few years old. If you have any updates or additions to the information below, please email us so we can keep this page current. Also, if you have more information than what we have at the bottom of the page about how to obtain your birth time if you were born outside of the U.S. please email us and we’ll add it. We hope you find what you need!

ALABAMA Vital Records, PO Box 5625, Montgomery AL 36103. The fee for the search of the file is $12.00 which includes one certified copy of the results of the search. Additional copies of the same record ordered at the same time are $4.00 each. There are additional fees for expedited services. The website is www.adph.org. Go to the site and select FAST FIND, and Vital Records. The telephone number is 334 206 5418. IMPORTANT UPDATE: One astrologer reports that birth times are NOT available from ALABAMA when a birth certificate copy is ordered, no matter whether online or by mail. Alabama provides the birth time ONLY on the decorative copy of the birth certificate that is provided to the mother at the time of birth.

ALASKA: (Thank you, Apprentice student and former Alaskan, Lynne Mullen, who graciously took the time and trouble to find us this data.) Department of Health and Social Services, Bureau of Vital Statistics, P.O. Box 110675, Juneau, AK 99811-0675 Fee: $15.00. Money orders should be made payable to Bureau of Vital Statistics. Personal checks are not accepted. Credit cards are accepted; in addition to the baseline $15.00 fee for the birth certificate, there is an extra $11.00 credit card processing fee. To verify current fees, the telephone number is (907) 465-3391; this will be a recorded message. The state office has kept records since January 1913. They do not have birth times between 1949 through 1968.

ARIZONA – Thanks to our site visitors for the update and corrections. Office of Vital Records Arizona Department of Health Services 602-506-6805 Department of Public Health 3221 N. 16th Street, Suite 100 (Osborn) Phoenix, Arizona 85016-7158 Cost is $10

ARKANSAS AR Dept of Health, Division of Vital Records, 4815 West Markham St., Little Rock AR 72205-3867 fee $12.00, 501-611-2336

CALIFORNIA (thanks to our site visitors for updating us.) State Department of Health Services, Office of Vital Records, 304 “S” St, P.O. Box 730241, Sacramento, CA 94244-0241. The fee is $14.00. You can also get information and download a birth certificate request form from their web site .

COLORADO Vital Records, 4300 Cherry Creek South Dr., Glendale, CO 80246 (303) 756-4464; website: http://www.vitalchek.com Fee: $15.00 for the first, $6.00 for an additional copy. This information is current as of April 23, 2001. Thanks to our site visitors for updating us!

CONNECTICUT – thanks to our site visitors for this update! Dept of Public Health, Vital Records, 410 Capital Avenue, Hartford, Connecticut 06103. Tel. (860) 509-7897

DELAWARE Office of Vital Statistics, Division of Public Health, POB 637, Dover DE 19903 fee $5.00 first copy, $3.00 additionals, 302-736-4721

DISTRICT OF COLUMBIA (WASHINGTON, D.C.) – Thanks to our site visitors for this update! Vital Records Branch, Research & Statistics Division, 425 I Street NW, Room 3003, Washington DC 20001 fee $5.00, 202-442-9009.

FLORIDA Office of Vital Statistics, Vital Records Section, POB 210, Jacksonville FL 32231-0042. You must order the $14.00 “photocopy certificate” to get the time of birth; the $9.00 version does not include it. 904-359-6900. Thanks to our site visitors for this update!

GEORGIA – Online Site or http://www.vitalchek.com  You may telephone VitalChek at 1-877-572-6343, seven days a week, 24 hours a day. If overnight delivery is requested you will be charged an additional fee for this service. You may use the VitalChek fax service to request a record, but copies of birth certificates cannot be sent by fax. In person: Request a birth certificate in person at the state Vital Records Office or County Vital Records Office in the county where the birth occurred. By US Mail: mail a request to: Vital Records 2600 Skyland Drive NE Atlanta, GA 30319-3640 404-656-4900. Search Fee (includes one certified copy, if the record is found on file) $10.00.

HAWAI’I – Go to http://www.hawaii.gov/doh/records/vr_about.html

IDAHO Bureau of Vital Statistics, Dept of Health & Welfare, Statehouse, Boise ID 83720 fee $6.00, 208-334-5988

ILLINOIS – IL Dept of Public Health, Division of Vital Records, 605 W. Jefferson St, Springfield IL 62702 fee $15.00 first copy, $2.00 additionals, 217-782-6553. You can also get a copy at the courthouse in the county you were born.

INDIANA – Indiana State Department of Health Attention: Vital Records P. O. Box 7125 Indianapolis, IN 46206-7125 (317) 233-2700 Fee is now $10.. The street address for anyone who would like to go in person is: ISDH Casual Corner Bldg. 2 North Meridian Street Indianapolis, IN 46204 From one of our website visitors: “It is my understanding that it has been the law in Indiana since 1907 that the birth time be recorded on all birth certificates.” The state also now requires proof of identity before they will send the birth certificate. The time quoted for receiving it is 6 weeks.

IOWA – IA Dept of Public Health, Bureau of Vital Records/Statistics, Lucas State Office Bldg., Des Moines IA 50319-0075 fee $10.00 in person, $20.50 by credit card over the phone, 515-281-5871

KANSAS – Kansas Dept. of Health and Environment Center for Health and Environmental Statistics, Office of Vital Statistics relocated to 1000 SW Jackson, Suite 120, Topeka, Kansas 66612-2221, Phone (785) 296-1400, Fax (785) 296-8075 Fee $10.00 first copy, $5.00 additionals, 785-296-1400

KENTUCKY – Vital Statistics, Dept for Health Services, 275 East Main St., Frankfort KY 40621 Fee $10.00, tel. 502-564-4212 Kentucky birth certificates can be ordered three ways: by phone, by mail or by going to the office (a one hour wait is likely). If a credit card is used, an additional $5.50 fee will be added to your order. Office hours are 8 AM to 3:30 PM Monday thru Friday.

LOUISIANA – Vital Records Section, Dept of Health & Human Resources, POB 60630, New Orleans LA 70160 Fee $15. The request can only be in writing. 8.00, 504-568-5172

MAINE Vital Records, Office of Data, Research and Vital Statistics, Dept of Human Services, State House, Mail Station #11, Augusta ME 04333 Fee $5.00 first copy, $2.00 additionals, 207-289-3181

MARYLAND – Division of Vital Records, Dept of Health and Mental Hygiene POB 13146, Baltimore MD 21203 410-764-3160 or 410-764-3174. The fee is $13.00 and takes 5-7 days. They will rush it for $12 more.

MASSACHUSETTS – Registry of Vital Records 150 Mount Vernon Street Dorchester, MA 02125 Fees $11 record via mail; $19 over the phone; $31 over the phone and Fed Ex, 617-740-2600. Before 1943 the birth certificates did not record the time of birth. The hospitals did in a separate record,but may not have kept them until now.

MICHIGAN – Thanks to our site visitors for this update. Vital Records Requests *If expedited service requested, address request to: Vital Records RUSH, PO Box 30721,Lansing MI 48909. Fee $15.00 first copy; $5.00 additionals. If you wish expedited service (non-genealogy requests) please include an additional $5.00. Call 517-335-8656 for recorded message to have an application mailed or 517-335-8666 to speak with a customer service representative if you have specific questions. MICHIGAN DID NOT RECORD BIRTH TIMES FOR THE YEARS 1950 TO 1967. It did record times on birth certificates for the years prior to 1950 and those after 1967, right up to the present. Records can be ordered directly online using a credit card or applications downloaded from their website.

MINNESOTA Vital Records Section, State Dept of Health, 717 Delaware St. SE, POB 9441, Minneapolis MN 55440 Fee $11.00 first copy, $5.00 additionals, 612-623-5121

MISSISSIPPI Vital Records Registration, State Board of Health, POB 1700, Jackson MS 39215 Fee $12.00 (money order only, no checks), 601-576-7981.

MISSOURI – Thanks to our site visitors for this update! Bureau of Vital Records, MO Dept of Health, POB 570, Jefferson City MO 65102 (573)751-6387. $10 per copy. Copies can be ordered over the phone with a credit card for an additional fee of $4.95.

MONTANA Bureau of Records & Statistics, State Dept of Health and Environmental Sciences, Helena MT 59620 Fee $5.00, 406-444-4250

NEBRASKA Bureau of Vital Statistics, State Dept. of Health, POB 95007, :Lincoln NE 68509-5007 Fee $6.00, 402-471-2871

NEVADA Vital Statistic Program, Division of Health, Capitol Complex, Carson City NV 89710 Fee $6.00, 702-885-4480

NEW HAMPSHIRE Bureau of Vital Records & Health Statistics, Health & Human Services Bldg., 6 Hazen Dr., Concord NH 03301-6527 Fee $3.00, 603-271-4650

NEW JERSEY Vital Statistics & Registration, Division of Administration, State Dept of Health, CN 360, Trenton NJ 08625 Fee $4.00 first copy, $2.00 additionals

NEW MEXICO Vital Statistics Program, Health Services Division, Health & Environment Dept., POB 968, Santa Fe NM 87504-0968 Fee $10.00, 505-827-0121

NEW YORK CITY – NYC Dept of Health, Divsion of Vital Records, 125 Worth St. Box 4, New York NY 10013 Fee $15.00, no personal checks, 212-566-7851; 212-566-7854; 212-566-7855 Also, people can get copies of birth/marriage/death certificates from NYC at this site, and can place orders online.

NEW YORK STATE Vital Records Section, NY State Dept of Health, Empire State Plaza, Tower Bldg., Albany NY 12237 Fee $5.00, 518-474-3038 https://www.health.ny.gov/vital_records/

NORTH CAROLINA – Vital Records Branch, Division of Health Services, 1903 Mail Service Center Raleigh, NC 27699-1903 Fee is now $10 to receive w/in 4 weeks. $42.95 to receive w/in 5 days. 919-733-3526.

NORTH DAKOTA Vital Records Program, ND State Dept of Health, State Capitol, Judicial Wing, Bismarck ND 58505 Fee $7.00, 701-224-4508.

OHIO – Division of Vital Statistics, OH Dept of Health, 65 South Front St., Room G-20, Columbus OH 43266-0333, Fee $10.00, plus $8.95 S&H for regular mail. (7-14 business days) or $22.20 for Federal Express (7-10 business days – Continental U.S.) Tel 614-466-2531 for the Division itself; Tel 877-828-3101 for placing the order.

OKLAHOMA Vital Statistics Office, State Dept of Health, POB 53551, Oklahoma City OK 73152 Fee $10.00, 405-271-4040.

OREGON – Oregon Vital Statistics, POB 14040, Portland OR 97293-0050 Fee $15.00, additional at $12.00. 1-888-896-4988. Also in person @ 800 NE Oregon St Suite 205, Portland OR 97293 Must use your credit card when ordering by these methods: http://public.health.oregon.gov/BirthDeathCertificates/Pages/index.aspx by fax 503.234.8417

PENNSYLVANIA – Thanks to our site visitors for this update! Division of Vital Statistics, P.O. Box 1528, Central Bldg. 101 South Mercer St., New Castle, PA 16103 Fee: $4.00 Phone: (724) 656-3100 Astrologer Vivian Owen has composed a page about birth time info for PA. Here’s a link that explains how birth times are recorded in Pennsylvania, along with a list of hospitals she’s collected over the years on her page “The PA Time Project”.

RHODE ISLAND – Division of Vital Statistics Rhode Island Dept. of Health 101 Cannon Bldg., 75 Davis St. Providence, Rl 02908 Fee: $5.00 first copy, $3.00 additionals. (401) 222-2812 Office of Vital Records

SOUTH CAROLINA – Vital Records Section, Office of Vital Records and Public Health Statistics, 2600 Bull Street, Columbia, SC 29201 Fee: $5.00 first copy, $1.00 additionals. If you need to order the long form (which has much more information on it), you can go to the SC DHEC website at http://www.scdhec.gov/administration/vr/index.htm and order a birth certificate by mail, instead of using the Vitalcheck link. Vitalcheck only offers the abbreviated Birth Certificate Photo. The long form is $12, plus $5 if you want to expedite the request. (803) 734-4830

SOUTH DAKOTA – Vital Records Program, State Dept. of Health, 523 East Capitol St., Pierre, SD 57501 Fee: $5.00, (605) 773.3361

TENNESSEE – Vital Records, Tennessee Dept. of Health and Environment, Cordell Hull Bilg., Nashville, TN 37219-5402 Fee: $4.00 (Before 1950); $6.00 (After 1950), 615-741-1763 The department also has a website. Site visitors tell us there is another location to get the certificate, The Lentz Clinic on 23rd Ave N. Nashville, TN, 37215. Tel. 615-340-5611.

TEXAS – Bureau of Vitail Statistics, Texas Dept. of Health, 1100 West 49th St., Austin, TX 78756-3191 Fee: $5.00,: Fax (512.) 458-7451; Tel. 512.458.7111 Thanks for this information from one of our website visitors: “In Texas, there are two birth certificate forms / types. The short form (which gets a child into school) does NOT list birth time. The long form DOES contain the birth time. Also, in Texas I believe you have to be either the person whose birth certificate it is, or a direct immediate family member, to request a birth certificate.”

The long and short forms for birth certificates both cost the same – $22. The long version has both parents names and birth dates.  This form is now the only acceptable form for receiving passports for any age (unless you are an adult and have a current or expired passport).

UTAH – Bureau of Vital Records, Utah Dept. of Health, P.O. Box 16700, Salt Lake City, UT 84116-0700 Fee: $10.00 first copy, $3.00 additionals, (801) 538-6105

VERMONT – Division of Public Health Statistics, Vermont Dept. of Health, 60 Main St., P.O. Box 70, Burlington, VT 05402 Fee: $5.00, (802) 863-7275

VIRGINIA – Thanks to our site visitors for this update! The fee since July 1, 2004 has gone up to $12 and the website is www.vdh.virginia.gov. There are live customer service reps available to answer questions and two are bilingual. The phone number is 804-662-6200 and the mailing address is 1601 Willow Lawn Drive, Ste. 275, Richmond, VA 23230.

WASHINGTON STATE – Thanks to one of our site visitors for the update. Department of Health P.O. Box 9709 Olympia, WA. 98507-9709 Fee: $17.00, (360) 236-4300 A site visitor reports: “They did not record birth times in WA State Dept of Health from 1947-1968. That was true for my birth certificate, hospital record, and County records. I am told that it is true for all of WA state.”

WASHINGTON, D.C. – Thanks to our site visitors for this update! Vital Records Branch, Research & Statistics Division, 425 I Street NW, Room 3003, Washington DC 20001 fee $5.00, 202-442-9009.

WEST VIRGINIA – State Dept. of Health, Division of Vital Statistics, Charleston, WV 25305 Fee: $5.00, (304) 348-2931

WISCONSIN – Vital Statistics Section, Division of Health, P.O. Box 309, Madison, Wl 53701 Fee: $8.00, (608) 266-1371

WYOMING – Vital Records Services, Hathaway Bldg., Cheyenne WY 82002 Fee: $5.00, (307) 777-7591